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A star was lost in the Turkish Military and Civil Aviation community.

Korgün ÖZTOPÇU, whose military personality in the air force, his piloting, and his success in the air pentathlon, was engraved in the memory of many aviators, became a role model for the pilots with his attitude and behavior in Turkish Civil Aviation after the Turkish Air Force.

Retired Captain Pilot Korgün ÖZTOPÇU, who worked as a simulator teacher at AYJET Flight School after completing his flight career in airlines, transferred his labor, knowledge and experience to young pilot candidates. He made invaluable contributions to their being good aviators and pilots.

Retired Captain Pilot Korgün ÖZTOPÇU with his modest personality, professionalism in military and civil aviation and his always smiling face will never be erased from our hearts and memories as the contrail left by jet planes in the sky.

Our deepest condolonces to the family and all the aviation community. Rest in peace Captain Korgün